Art Foundations I


Line Lecture


Line- The path traced by the point of a tool, instrument, or medium as it moves across an area. A line is visible when it contrasts in value with its surroundings. Three-dimensional lines may be made using string, wire, tubes, solid rods, and the like.

“track made by a moving point” -Point and Line to Plane
series of points
connection between these points
implied connection between points or marks

Contour- line that defines the edges of an object or a drawn or painted shape. The “outline” contours also may be marked by the variations of tones, textures, or colors.

Hatching-repeated strokes of an art tool producing clustered lines (usually parallel) that create values. In “cross-hatching,” similar lines pass over the hatched lines in a different direction, usually resulting in darker values.

Implied line-lines that dim, fade, stop, and/or disappear. The missing portion of the line is implied to continue and is visually completed by the observer as the line reappears.

Line can be de described best by...
1) MEASURE - is the length and width of the linear element. It needs to be longer than it is wide to maintain its dynamic energy or implied motion. If it is a point (which is as long as it is wide) then a series of these points can be utilized to imply line (or a series of anything for example can imply connection).

2) TYPE - Mostly an adjective. Ex. curvy, straight, zigzag, hairy, etc.

3) DIRECTION - Moves the "eye" through a design or artwork. Ex. Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal, (and Curved)

4) LOCATION – Line used to unify, divide, balance, unbalance. Depends on space picture plane or composition format.

5) CHARACTER - usually relates to the medium producing the line, but can also create an emotional response based on a personality that the medium or process of using the medium creates. Example: bold, timid, tense, relaxed, firm, precise.

Expression of Line (feelings)
energetic, tired, expressive, quiet, peaceful, rigid, etc.

Line variations are called “physical characteristics,”
-straight /curved
-direct / meandering
-short / long
-thin / thick
-zigzag / serpentine

Line can describe an edge, or be the result of the meeting of areas with different value, texture, or color, and can express feeling and energy

Related Terms:

contour / cross-contour line
calilgraphic / gestural / expressive
hatching / cross-hatching /parallel / intersecting / overlapping / compression
implied / fragmented / open
actual / complete / closed / closure
architectural / drafted / geometric / hard
organic / curvilinear / abstract / soft
rolling / wandering / moving / left-to-right

Artists: Albrecht Durer, Paul Klee, Franz Kline, Op-Art, Bridget Riley, Ben Shahn, Saul Steinberg, George Herriman, Raymond Pettibon, Gary Panter, Charles Burns, Henri Matisse, Franz Kline