Loyola Interactive & Electronic Media II

Course Name: Interactive & Electronic Media II

Course Number/ID: VISA-A374-001 

Course Term/Session: Spring 2022

Prerequisite Courses: VISA-A373 

Course Location: Monroe 511

Credit Hours: 3 Credit hours

Course Dates January 18, 2022 to May 5, 2022 (Reminder, first two weeks on Zoom)

Class Meeting Time: T/Th 9:30-12:20

Instructor Information

Name: David Sullivan

Office Hours: Before or after class ; or by appointment. For the first two weeks of the semester, all office hours will be held virtually. Please email me at least 15 minutes before you would like to meet so I can email you the Zoom link. For the remainder of the semester, office hours will be in person. 

Email: david@swampmonster.org – Preferred contact method. I respond to emails within 24 hours during the standard work week. If I do not respond during that time, please assume that I have not received your message and resend. Weekend and holiday emails will be answered on the next weekday of classes (i.e., if there is a school holiday on Monday, the email will be answered on Tuesday.

Meetings Policy

You are encouraged to visit me during in-person or virtual office hours, or at another arranged time, to discuss course expectations, performance, feedback, or concerns. I understand the difficulties of simultaneously being a student, an employee/employer, a parent, a partner, etc. Should you have any problems meeting course requirements, please let me know and we can work together to develop a solution. 

Canvas & Email 

Canvas is an extension of the class. Check Canvas and your Loyola email daily for class updates and information. I will email students and publish assignment materials and class changes on Canvas. 

*Zoom Link & Etiquette

For virtual class meetings, please check Canvas for the official class link. To build community, I ask that you turn your camera on for each class session and keep your microphone muted unless you are speaking or have a question. Feel free to use the raise your hand icon to get the attention of any speaker. If for any reason you must turn your camera off for an extended period of time during class, please email me beforehand to let me know. Don’t forget, there are many professional virtual backgrounds available. I ask that we all show each other the utmost respect during virtual presentations and discussions. All lectures, class discussions, and presentations will be recorded. The link will be available via Canvas within 24 hours of class.

Terms of Use

A student’s continued enrollment in this course signifies acknowledgment of and agreement with the statements, disclaimers, policies, and procedures outlined within this syllabus and elsewhere on Canvas. This Syllabus is a dynamic document. Elements of the course structure (e.g., dates and topics covered, but not policies) may be changed at the discretion of the professor.

Course Information

Diversity Statement 

The School of Communication and Design is an intentional community that welcomes, nurtures, celebrates, educates, and fervently supports its students, faculty, and staff from richly diverse backgrounds. Persons from different racial/ethnic groups, genders, sexual identities, ideological frameworks, faiths, and socioeconomic backgrounds are equitable stakeholders in our school. We embrace behaviors, actions, and words that affirm and uplift each other and reflect the very best the school has to offer.

We refuse to tear down, obstruct, or marginalize each other’s differences. We hold each other accountable for actions that are contrary to these core beliefs. Our theoretical and practical approach to teaching, learning, and interacting reflects the world we live in. We know we are not perfect, but we are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts because we are stronger united and become better storytellers when we realize representation and respect are essential to our progress.

Expectations of Workload: According to the Loyola University Credit Hour Policy http://academicaffairs.loyno.edu/credit-hour-policy, you are supposed to spend at least 105 hours  (35 hours of classwork and 70 hours of out-of-class work) for the semester regardless of how many weeks the class is offered. That is rounded to at least 13 hours each week for an 8-week course. IN other words, You should expect to spend as much time out of class as in class practicing with the tools and techniques we go over in class and integrating them into your projects.

Expectations of Skills and Competencies for Successful Completion of Assignments

You must have basic computer and Canvas skills to complete the assignments, such as being able to identify and click on buttons to access and navigate the course content, being able to find your course assignments, grades, and feedback in Canvas, and being able to add attachments, links, images, and submission of the assignments, etc.

Required Textbooks and Materials: Any readings will be made available by me

*Supplies and Tools: I recommend a USB thumb drive or external hard drive for backing up your work.

We will use the following tools throughout the course for various activities:

Zoom, Adobe Creative Cloud (available to you as Loyola students), Autodesk Maya (free educational license)

Brief Course Overview (Introduction, Purpose, and Structure of the Course)

This course serves as an introduction and overview of the use of computers in creative art production. Students are guided through projects that explore the possibilities of 2d imaging, 2d/3d animation and 3d modelling while at the same time developing their own conceptual ideas and personal expression. The emphasis is on both aesthetics and process. Students also develop important technical skills in an increasingly computer dependent field.

Course Goals/Objectives

1: Develop proficiency in the use of computers for creatively solving visual problems

2: Strategies for successfully moving ideas from concept to finished presentation

3: Familiarity with industry standard software


Since instruction is based primarily on lectures and assignments completed in class, attendance is essential to your success in this class. Attendance is taken every class and participation contributes to your final grade and mastery of the course content. If you miss a class, you will be responsible for what takes place in class; the instructor is not responsible for providing missed assignments due to absence. For every other unexcused absence, the student will lose 5 points from their final grade. Also, a late arrival or early departure will count as ½ an absence. Classes missed as a result of illness are automatically considered excused absences. If you have an excused absence, make sure to get me documentation within three (3) days of the missed class. If you start to miss an excessive number of classes, talk to me and consult your advisor about ways to get back on track as soon as possible.

Missing Class Due to Illness or Emergency

We strive to provide an inclusive environment and support the academic success of all students. If you experience illness or an emergency during the semester, please inform me via email before class that you will not be in attendance. If you will be out for an extended period, or if you need additional academic support, please contact your academic advisor and the Director of Student Services, Laura Jayne, ljayne@loyno.edu.

Class Organization

This course is a studio class with a mix of lectures, presentations, and discussions. Students will practice techniques in class and apply them to assigned projects . These projects will culminate in an in-class critique. Class critiques are very important and will be held at the beginning of class on the due date of each project. If your assignment is not complete for the critique your grade for that assignment will be lowered by one full letter for each day it is late. You are required to attend critiques even if your work is not complete. Critiques are not for my benefit. They are your best method to learn about art making – from your fellow art makers. You must be able to articulate your creative decisions and conclusions in regards to your own work, as well as discuss the work of others. Participation and attention is expected.

Assignments/Grade Distribution

There will be a midterm grade that will be based on my assessment of your work to date.   This grade is a progress report and will not be averaged into the final grade on the entire portfolio.   Due to the variety of options this media presents, no specific project definitions can be set.   You will, however, be provided a number (approximately 5) of both specific and general project assignments to complete.   Evaluation will involve meeting both aesthetic and technical standards to be outlined in the assignment handouts.   Other factors will be taken into account, such as participation in critiques, presentation of finished projects, thoroughness and intensity of explorations of creative options, and mastery of processes.   These will all be assessed based on your critique presentation and my observations of your efforts in and out of class.

Below is a sketch of how I utilize letter grades.

Project Grading Rubric

 Excellent – 100 points  Good – 92 points Fair – 84 points Unsatisfactory – 76 points 
Conceptual: Concepts are engaging, thorough and coherent, showing original and creative thinking that moves beyond assignment requirements, Writing: Excellent writing and grammar skills that express ideas clearly and effectively.. Participation: Thoughtful comments on other’s work. Participates fully, taking a leadership role in discussion in class. Brings new ideas to class consistently. Listens to others’ views with respect. Attends class on time and turns in work on time.
Conceptual: Complete assignments with some originality; Satisfies aims of the assignment well. Writing: Good writing and grammar skills. Writing is clear and ideas are organized. Participation: Participates fully in discussion. Attends class on time and turns in work on time. Participates and engages with others’ ideas.Conceptual: Unoriginal or common sense thinking; doing only what is required; Writing: Unclear writing, grammatical errors, lack of thoroughness, does not meet goals of exercise, structural and technical problems. Participation: Inconsistencies in presentation of work and participation, or does not frequently participate. Attends class but minimally engages with others’ work.. Falls below expectations in most areas. Inconsistencies, sloppiness, inaccuracies, errors, lack of effort.

Grade Breakdown

In class work and participation – 20%

Bitmap (Photoshop) project – 20%

Vector (Illustrator) project – 20%

Animation (After Effects) project – 20%

3d (Maya) project – 20%

Grading Scale 

10-point grade scale, with plus/minus

96.5 and above A+ 

93.50-96.49 A 

90.00-93.49 A-

86.50-89.99 B+ 

83.50-86.49 B 

80.00-83.49 B-

76.50-79.99 C+

73.50-76.49 C 

70.00-73.49 C-

66.50-69.99 D+ 

63.50-66.49 D 

60.00-63.49 D-

59.99 and below F 

>=94, <=100>=90,<94>=87,<90>=84<87>=80<84>=77<80>=74<77>=70<74>=67<70>=60<67>=0<60

Weekly Breakdown


 Date  Class Discussion Topics Assignments Due 
Week 1 – January 18 -20Overview and Course Expectations/SyllabusSoftware/Hardware requirementsResolution, 2d design, image input, basic image correctionAssign Project 1: bring 6 objects to the next class. Read about Bitmaps and resolution, Elements and principles of design 
Week 2 – January 25 & 27 Layers, opacity, blending modes
 Week 4 – February 1 & 3Layer masks, clipping layers, adjustment layers,Output to the web (behance) resolution again?!? Printing 
Week 5 – February 8 & 10 Feb 8 – Forensic Self Portrait project critique.
Feb 10 Introduction to Illustrator, vectors, strokes & fills, importing/tracing, layers, objects, groups, & layers
Assign Project 2. Bring logo examples next class
 Week 6 – February 15 & 17 working with paths, text, pathfinders
Week 7 – February 22 & 24NO CLASSHAPPY MARDI GRAS Work on project 
 Week 8 – March 1 & 3 Output: File size and formats, Image Compression, papers and printing. outputting images for the web 
 Week 9 – March 8 & 10 May 10 – Scale Project CritAssign animation project
Week 10 – March 15 & 17After EffectsStoryboards due
Week 11 – March 22 & 24HAPPY SPRING BREAKNO CLASS  
 Week 12 – March 29 & 31 
Week 13 – April 5 & 7
Week 14 – April 12 & 14April 12 – Animation CritApril 14 – Intro to 3dAssign 3d project
Week 15 – April 19 & 213d sketches
Week 16 – April 26 & 28
Week 17 –May 3 & 5
Week 18 –May 12, 9:00-11:003d Final Crit

Grade Discrepancies 

If you have a question about a grade you have earned, please wait 24 hours before contacting me via email. This practice allows you to take a moment to reflect on the assignment and what points you would like to discuss with me. Then address the issue with me in writing (email) within one week of receiving the grade. I will then request a meeting with you to discuss the grade. After a decision is reached, the assignment grade will not be discussed again or modified. 

Grade Appeal

If a student feels that he/she/they is not being graded justly, the student should first consult the instructor. If this consultation with the instructor proves unsatisfactory, the student should then consult the department chairperson. If the student still feels that the problem has not been resolved, he or she should consult the associate dean of the college in which the course is offered.

The student has the right to submit a grade appeal form to the associate dean up to 30 days after the beginning of the subsequent semester. For more information go here.

Late Submissions and Making-Up Policy

All assignments should be completed on time and according to instructions. No make-up will be given, except under highly extenuating circumstances and with prior approval from me. Two conditions must be met to warrant approval: (1) there is a cause beyond your control that was communicated with the instructor before the assignment is due via email, and (2) documentation of the situation is provided timely via email within 3 days of the missed assignments.

Student  Information

Classroom Etiquette 

Educators and students are professionals guided by specific values and engaging in particular behaviors. These values and behaviors include mutual respect, cooperation, active participation, intellectual inquiry, punctuality and regular attendance. As professionals, we are all expected to be respectful of the work environment. This extends to interactions in class, via email and via social media.

Laptops and Phones

Most of our work in this class will be done on computers. You are encouraged to use your own laptop or tablet.Please be respectful of other students in what  you use your electronic devices for in the studio. If needed you may step out of class for phone calls. Use of electronic devices is not permitted during class presentations or critiques unless you are the one presenting.  Penalties for repeated violations of this policy may include the deduction of a full letter grade from the student’s total course grade. (It is your responsibility to notify me if you have received an accommodation from the Office of Accessible Education allowing for in-class laptop use.)  

Digital Communication, i.e. “netiquette” 

Our differences add richness to our learning experience. Please consider that sarcasm and humor can be misconstrued in digital interactions and generate unintended disruptions. Working as a community of learners, we can build a polite and respectful course environment. It is difficult to judge the “tone” of digital interactions. That said, I encourage all of you to interact with one another with respect, tact and appreciation when using social media, text messages and email. These are your colleagues. 

Every one of us will make mistakes throughout this course, but we should be professional enough to deal with one another with consideration, poise and class. Your professor and fellow students wish to foster a safe learning environment. 

All opinions and experiences, no matter how different or controversial they may be perceived, must be respected in the tolerant spirit of academic discourse. You are encouraged to comment, question, or critique an idea – but you are not to attack an individual. Personal attacks of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in an “F” and/or dismissal from the course. What constitutes a personal attack is solely up to the discretion of the professor. 

Professor’s academic freedom policy – Some of the material dealt with in this class may be perceived as controversial or offensive to some students. While students are encouraged to respond to the material and to freely offer their opinions, if any student becomes uncomfortable with any of the topics or finds any of the material questionable, that student is urged to contact the professor about an alternative assignment. 

Email Communication

It is important that we extend the same respect and courtesy in our written communication.

An example of a professional communication between me and a student looks like this:

Subject line: Question aboutVISA A374 assignment

Hello David/Prof Sullivan,

I have a question about the upcoming assignment. Can we turn it in on canvas? Or do we have to print a hard copy?

Thanks so much for your help.


Sara Smith

Minimum Technology Requirements

You MUST be familiar with Canvas. It is your responsibility to learn how to navigate Canvas and to check it daily. You should use your own secure login and password for Canvas to complete all coursework and assignments on an individual basis. You must check Canvas daily for any updates and announcements. Canvas keeps accurate records and all claims are verified with the Canvas Administrator. False claims, such as false Canvas issues, are considered cheating and will be pursued to the maximum extent possible. 

For Canvas help, you can chat with Canvas Support (Student) or call Canvas Support Hotline (866-932-6945) by clicking Help on the global navigation menu in your Canvas account. Please see the screenshot below.

You can also visit Canvas Student Guide page, or Canvas video tutorials for students, or contact Loyola’s Online Learning Team (OLT) by sending an email to onlineed@loyno.edu.

You are responsible for your computer and internet connection. A faulty internet connection or computer system crash does not excuse you from completing an assignment or exam. You MUST check the connection and functionality of your computer before you begin working on assignments, exams, or other coursework.

The university has computer labs that are available for use 24 hours a day.

Data Management and Privacy 

e.g., Please try to keep your Discussion Board or assignment postings on a Google doc if they are long to avoid accidentally losing them. Please refer to the following university website for more details about Data Management and Privacy: http://researchguides.loyno.edu/c.php?g=534314&p=3654468

Vendor Accessibility 

Please refer to Canvas accessibility standards and Zoom accessibility resources.

Syllabus Revision

The standards and requirements set forth in this syllabus may be modified at any time by the course instructor. Notice of such changes will be by Canvas announcement or email notice.


Academic Honesty and Plagiarism These regulations make up the Academic Honor Code for students at Loyola. This includes definitions of academic dishonesty such as plagiarism, and the processes determining findings of academic dishonesty and governing appeals. For more information go to: Undergraduate and Graduate (non-law) http://bulletin.loyno.edu/regulations/academic-honesty-and-plagiarism Law https://law.loyno.edu/honor-board

Student Conduct and COVID 

Students must comply with any directive from University and government officials with regards to public health directives. Students must wear a face mask covering their nose and mouth while indoors except when that individual is alone (e.g. personal residence hall rooms) or actively eating. Individuals who cannot wear a face mask because of health reasons or functional reasons should contact the Office of Accessible Education to determine other accommodations. Everyone should regularly wash their hands and avoid touching their face, touching others, and sharing items. Students should immediately call Student Health Services (504-865-3326) if they experience symptoms of COVID, test positive for COVID, and/or become exposed to someone with COVID. For more information consult Loyola’s Coronavirus FAQ page.

Emergency Procedures 

At times, ordinary university operations are interrupted as a result of tropical storms, hurricanes, or other emergencies that require evacuation or suspension of on-campus activities. To prepare for such emergencies, review the content at https://emergency.loyno.edu/

Office for Accessible Education 

Loyola is committed to offering classes that are accessible. If you encounter disability related barriers in a course, please let the Office for Accessible Education (OAE) know immediately. To find out more about the accommodations process or if you need to discuss the accommodations you may be eligible for, please see our contact information below. Undergraduate and graduate students (including law) with last names starting with A-L may contact: Andrea Rodriguez Phone: (504) 865-3265 Email: alrodrig@loyno.edu Undergraduate and graduate students (including law) with last names starting with M-Z may contact: Dario Bayardo Phone: (504) 865-2108 Email: dbayardo@loyno.edu Director of the Office for Accessible Education Andrea Rodriguez Phone: (504) 865-3265 Email: alrodrig@loyno.edu Office for Accessible Education Pan-American Student Success Center Monroe Library, 2nd Floor (504) 865-2990 (front office) Email: oae@loyno.edu Website: http://success.loyno.edu/accessible-education.

University Counseling Center 

The University Counseling Center, located on the 2nd floor of the Danna Center, provides mental healthcare for all currently enrolled Loyola students. Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. and services are free. Counseling is available 24/7 by contacting the UCC counselor-on-call. During business hours, call (504) 865-3835 to schedule an appointment and/or to request to speak with the counselor on-call. After hours and on weekends, call (504) 865-3835 and press 1 at the voicemail prompt to be immediately connected to a trained and licensed mental health professional. Please visit our website at http://studentaffairs.loyno.edu/counseling for more information. Student Success Center Located on the second floor of the Monroe Library, the SSC is the one stop shop for academic advising, success coaching, tutoring, career development, online success, and accessible education. Go to http://success.loyno.edu/

The Office of Writing and Learning Services (OWLS)

 OWLS offers free peer tutoring in a wide variety of subjects, including mathematics, writing, science, business, languages, and study skills. OWLS tutors work with students to help them gain confidence in their course content, build on their current knowledge, strengthen their writing skills, and enhance their study skills . Schedule an appointment today at https://loyno.mywconline.com. J. Edgar & Louise S. Monroe Library Librarians and library staff are eager to help students with finding, accessing, evaluating, and using books, journals, and many other information sources you might need for your coursework. The Monroe Library has a faculty librarian assigned to each program of study. Get to know your liaison and all of the things he or she can do for you. Make an appointment for help with your research paper or project. You can make an appointment to talk to a librarian in person, over the phone or through virtual conferencing to get help with any aspect of a research project. Library Liaison Directory Main library phone: (504) 864-7111 Monroe Library Chat Use this contact form Law Library http://law.loyno.edu/library

Information Technology

Information Technology provides on-campus computer systems assistance and technical support to students, faculty, and staff, through the support units of client services, computer services, distributed systems, telecommunications, and information management. Visit us online: http://academicaffairs.loyno.edu/infotech/student-computing Phone: (504) 865-2255 Email: helpdesk@loyno.edu 

Title IX 

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination and harassment in education programs and activities that receive federal funding. Under Title IX, discrimination on the basis of sex can include sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, and domestic violence, as well as discrimination within housing, athletics, and employment. If you believe you have been a victim of discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex or are aware of discrimination or harassment occurring, Loyola encourages you to report the incident to one of the contacts below:

Student Affairs: To file a report if a Loyola student, faculty member, or staff member is involved and for official notification to the University: https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?LoyolaUnivNO&layout_id=8 

Human Resources: 3 Rachel Dirmann, Director If a Loyola staff member is involved and for official notification to the University, (504) 864-7768, rdirmann@loyno.edu 

Office of the Provost: Uriel Quesada, PhD., Vice Provost for Institutional Research, Accreditation, and Academic Engagement. If a Loyola faculty member is involved and for official notification to the University, (504) 865-3049, uquesada@loyno.edu 

University Police: for immediate emergency response and official notification to the University, (504) 865-3434 

Sharonda R. Williams

Director of Government Affairs and General Counsel for general assistance and official notification to the University: (504) 864-7082, shwillia@loyno.edu Students should be aware that all University employees, other than counselors, pastors, resident ministers, or advocates (e.g. trained staff in the Women’s Resource Center) and those employees legally regarded as confidential sources must bring reports of violations of Title IX, including sexual and gender-based harassment, assault, and violence that they observe or learn about, immediately to the attention of the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator. For more information regarding Title IX reporting and resources, including private and confidential resources, go to http://titleix.loyno.edu/

Reporting Bias 

A bias incident is an act of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or violence that appears to be intentional and motivated by prejudice or bias. If you experience or witness such an act, you may report with your name or anonymously by filing a Bias Incident Report. For more information, visit https://diversity.loyno.edu/incident- reporting or call 504-865-3428.

Canvas Learning Management System For Canvas help, you can chat with Canvas Support (Student) or call Canvas Support Hotline (866-932-6945) by clicking Help on the global navigation menu in your Canvas account. You can also visit Canvas Student Guide page, or Canvas video tutorials for students, or contact Loyola’s Online Learning Team (OLT) by sending an email to onlineed@loyno.edu. There is additional information in the “Streetcar to Canvas” self-paced training course.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 

Annually, Loyola University New Orleans informs students of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. This Act, with which the institution intends to comply fully, was designated to protect the privacy of educational records. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. http://academicaffairs.loyno.edu/records/annual-notice-students-ferpa